Theft: Secure Materials — A ranking of 22 countries with 1 kilogram or more of weapons-usable nuclear materials—HEU and separated plutonium—to assess actions to secure materials against theft.
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Index scale: increasing nuclear security conditions
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Belarus (BY)
Lowest scoring country
Highest scoring country
Improvement Scenarios for Belarus
Use the scenarios below to see how your country or area can improve its NTI Index score by taking specific actions. Within each scenario, the actions the country or area is already taking are indicated by check marks. A scenario with a check mark means the country or area is taking all necessary actions to achieve a full score. When countries and areas take the actions listed without check marks, they will increase their overall score by the amount shown.
Strengthen Insider Threat Prevention
Increase your score by requiring the following comprehensive insider threat prevention measures to reduce vulnerabilities posed by authorized personnel:
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Full adoption would mean changing these sub-indicators:
Require security and other personnel with access to nuclear material areas to be subject to drug testing, background checks, and psychological or mental fitness checks.
Require personnel vetting to occur at frequent intervals, ideally at periods of two years or less.
Require personnel to report suspicious behavior to an official authority.
Require constant surveillance of inner areas using two-person surveillance and a technological surveillance system.
Require a nuclear-specific insider threat awareness program for all personnel involved in the operation and management of nuclear facilities.
Strengthen Cybersecurity
Increase your score by prioritizing actions to strengthen cybersecurity a nuclear facilities to prepare for, protect against, and respond to cyber threats and by requiring the following measures:
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Full adoption would mean changing these sub-indicators:
Require nuclear facilities to have protection from a cyber attack.
Require nuclear facilities to protect sensitive digital assets that impact safety, security, emergency preparedness functions, and their support systems from cyber attack.
Consider cyber threats in the national threat assessment or Design Basis Threat.
Require nuclear facilities to perform tests and assessments of cybersecurity.
Require nuclear facilities to have a cyber-incident response plan in place to respond to cyber attacks.
Require licensees or operators to have a cybersecurity awareness program that reaches all personnel with access to digital systems.
Strengthen Security Culture
Increase your score by taking the following steps to strengthen security culture:
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Full adoption would mean changing these sub-indicators:
In regulations or annual reports, recognize security culture as a concept that is separate and distinct from safety culture.
Require nuclear licensees and operators to conduct security culture assessments.
Require licensees or operators to define individuals responsible for at least one aspect of nuclear security who undergo additional training and/or certification.
Support Global Norms through Voluntary Actions
Increase your score by supporting, contributing to, or participating in at least six of the following global nuclear security initiatives to help bolster the global nuclear security architecture. Six or more of these actions will result in a full score for this indicator.
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Full adoption would mean changing these sub-indicators:
Become a member of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism.
Become a member of the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.
Provide financial or in-kind contributions to the World Institute for Nuclear Security (at least every two years).
Provide financial or in-kind contributions to the IAEA Nuclear Security Fund (at least every two years).
Provide or receive bilateral/multilateral nuclear security assistance (at least every two years).
Open a Center of Excellence or Nuclear Security Support Center to offer nuclear security training.
Participate in the latest IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security at the ministerial level.
Participate in the IAEA Incident and Trafficking Database.
Participate in the Nuclear Security Guidance Committee.
Build Confidence in Nuclear Security
Increase your score by taking the following steps to build confidence in the effectiveness of your nuclear security:
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Full adoption would mean changing these sub-indicators:
Publicly release nuclear security regulations.
Publish annual nuclear security reports.
Make regular public declarations of nuclear security progress in conjunction with an international, multilateral, or regional conference on nuclear security about recent actions to strengthen domestic nuclear security or to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture.
Make regular public declarations and reports about civilian nuclear material stocks.
Make public declarations and reports about military nuclear material stocks.
Host an IAEA or bilateral/multilateral peer review of your security arrangements (excluding IPPAS missions) every five years.
Host an IAEA International Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPPAS) mission every five years and publish summaries of the results of the mission.
Subscribe to Nuclear Security INFCIRCs
Increase your score by subscribing to nuclear security INFCIRCs, which demonstrates commitment to nuclear security and helps to raise nuclear standards globally:
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Full adoption would mean changing these sub-indicators:
Subscribe to INFCIRC/869 on strengthening nuclear security implementation.
Subscribe to INFCIRC/908 on mitigating insider threats.
Subscribe to at least three of the eight other nuclear security INFCIRCs (899, 901, 904, 905, 909, 912, 917 and 918).